The Writing Doctors are In

Come and speak to one of our friendly writing doctors
(yes, they are actual doctors specialising in creative writing). 

Our doctors are available for a one-off meeting or a series of regular one-on-one writing consultations to help with your long term project or manuscript.

Our doctors can also read your work & drafts.

We are experts in our field however we also write & read across many genres.

So what are you waiting for?

Book yourself a session for any writing related question. 

We doctors know what it’s like to write and work alone.

Consultation fees: $60 per hour

Book a time-slot to talk about your work, or to get advice about writing or your writing project. In the consultations, we will discuss your writing with you.

Reading fees:

Our doctors can read your work or drafts.

Costs will vary depending on form & length.

Poetry: Prose:

Up to 30 lines, $150 Up to 2,000 words, $250

Up to 45 lines, $200 Up to 3,000 words, $350

Other forms & lengths can be considered & negotiated. For example:

Graphic narratives: Up to 9 pages (2,000 words), $250

Consultations with Readings: 

If you have sent us your draft or writing project to be read for your consultation, we can provide minimal feedback per page and up to 5 lines of comments if requested.

For Editing & Proofreading Services:

Send us an email inquiry.

Contact: Dr Lou (poetry) & Dr Suzanne (prose)
