A Few Rules, Guidelines and Protocols Before We Start

We at Writing days encourage writing to be done in a caring, supportive, warm, fun, creative, generative, positive, and respectful safe space.

  • Please show respect for one another by how we treat one another and talk about our writing and each other’s writing.

  • Please don’t steal other people’s ideas – that is called intellectual property & plagiarism.  

  • Please write ethically and respectfully; we will not tolerate writing or participants who are deliberately sexist, racist, violent, ableist, homophobic, or cross unethical boundaries.

  • As we are writers not counsellors or art therapists; we encourage you not to write on topics that could cause you or others within the group personal distress.

  • We reserve the right to ask you to leave.

  • If possible, please write work that you’re willing and comfortable to share, and to be read and commented on by other people.